Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Easter, in the year of the plague, 2020

You don’t really need to believe anything
just look around
And see the change
And nothing promises anything.
Get away from the noise and look around
That’s all.

Rebirth, resurrection, reincarnation—call it
what you will
it’s real
in life
way beyond
what you could
ever know
don’t worry about it
just smell the air
hear the mating birds
get close to the flowers.

It’s all good.

Thoughts on Her Majesty “Freedom”

You believed
that you could go to her serenely
gleaming Majesty draped on her perch,
you could go and shout and sing
and march a throng, seek, appeal
beseech in common, sing, a march along
her granulated succor, at least
you thought, the man-child you had become,
yes, that one, even then still believing.

And now you know, now, and for all she’s truly
a snarling, smirking Majesty, her shameful,
bronze, a hollow pose now
shambolic, and now a slothic
grubbing mocking grifter laughing
at flaccid, hoary hope, at angered
frozen bile, defiled and hammered.

You are now woefully inured
to scum, soloing your bleats into

the blue green darkness.