Thursday, December 8, 2016

A Ballad For Our Times

Mr. Wade dies today
With a rabbit on his mind
And a green light beaming

Through his pale, blue eyes.

Mr. Wade dies today
With his wife in the kitchen
Banging dishes, singing hymns
A smile of grace, in her place

Mr. Wade dies today
His kids chasing glory,
Playing war in the yard
Screeching “bang” and “crash”

Mr. Wade dies today
His Beemer left in neutral
Drifting down to his shed
Near the blossoms, at the edge

Mr Wade dies today
With a cool breeze blowing
Through his long straw hair
Over his cheeks, down his chin

Mr. Wade dies today
Bound up tight to his
Automatic tie rack, a hint
Of gimlet on his tongue, a faint
Grin for his dry lips, just a little
With his wife in the kitchen
His kids in the yard
His car approaching an edge
His green light dimming
His fault in his dream.