We come together in our time
Undifferentiated in our lies
Like so many blizzardy leaves
Drifting, pouring over frosty lawns
We crowd those lies into surly lives
And wonder why we care enough,
To make the lies our lives, our hearts
Beg the question and turn our heads
Toward hope, living more than just doing,
Looking to the love in little ones pleading
But maybe we don’t care enough,
Should we care enough about the little ones?
Do we have the temerity to face hope’s
Uncertainty? We hang in the balance as
We walk the line and turn away, but the
Little ones, what about the little ones then?
So then we call out this special time of hearth
And home and family and friends and cheering
And that then yes the special time, you know, the
Time we forestall, smile awhile and make promises,
Yes even especially for the little ones, and to the
Little ones who look up at us with wondering eyes
Appealing, believing in their not knowing what
Else to feel, and then for us, what about the little ones?
Do we care enough this year, that time of year?
Do we care enough about anything, about ourselves?
It is that time of year again this year, can we care
Enough about the little ones, about ourselves?