Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Trumpian Onanist Rallies

With the Boris breeze at his back, Trump will now shift to a weekly schedule of hiss rallies.  The avid lemmings of his proudly doleful precariate will be howling and braying their anthems to him, shivering in onanistic release as they bend the knee to his fiery masturbatory rhetoric. 

This is the same pathos that demagogues bring to all the nations who give up on the standards, norms and laws of their societies and governance.  The U.S. came close to this in the 30s (Father Coughlin, et al) and 50s (Belly Gunner Joe McCarthy and his HUAC), but we never actually bit the apple.  Maybe we had more guts back then.  We sure had enough guts to make the sacrifices and fight the battles of WW II. I don’t remember looking around to discover a loud mouth savior, snake oil salesman to provide for the solutions.  We didn’t seek the enervation of post-orgasmic thrill from the rants and whining of a man-child poseur.  We still had pride and shame, which cannot be found among the lemmings and their Pied Piper.

To my fellow citizens in the doleful precariate: You will have a bill to pay that you won’t be able to put on your plastic card.   The bill will be to cover all the costs your cheers and braying cover now.  And it will cover the loss of your independence.  That’s the truth that hides behind baseball caps and T-shirts.

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