Monday, January 21, 2019

Blood Moon

What must they have felt?
The bright harvest ball, beaming
Their hope for plenty,
Dimming so slowly, such
Agonizing slowness, taking hope
To scarlet smear and a worse than
Darkness doubting their eyes,
Silencing their night sounds,
Did they feel crazy, did they
See crazy anyway, anywhere?

We conjure demons without
Sighting some actual something,
We have demons enough within
To know their natures, their
Blood moon,
HA! simple
You see.

But they who cowered,
They are in us, yes,
Even though we shove them
down they rise still in
Our fears, yes, they believed
Then, because sometimes
They were right enough

1 comment:

  1. I don't think everyone cowered at the "first" blood moon.
